
Egg blitz: Kids battle for candy dominance during Prospect Park egg hunt

Egg blitz: Kids battle for candy dominance during Prospect Park egg hunt
Photo by Trey Pentecost

It was an egg-celent event!

A small army of Kings County kids swarmed Prospect Park on Saturday as part of a massive free Easter egg hunt, where only the most pugnacious tots managed to net a respectable cache of candy, according to one dad.

“My daughter only got two eggs,” said Ricakrd Carrick, who came with wife Maria and five-year-old daughter Steira. “She wasn’t aggressive enough!”

The event — hosted by borough lift purveyor Champion Elevator Corp. — was not your typical scavenger hunt featuring hidden eggs, and was really more of a mad rush for the plastic candy containers, which were merely scattered in plain sight across the meadow.

As such, when the massive phalanx of kids were finally unleashed upon the hapless eggs, the bold outshone the cunning, according to Carrick.

“This was more of a real hunt,” he said.

In addition to the egg blitz, the elevatory salesman treated kids with face painting and a potato sack race, while everybody enjoyed a banquet of free barbecue.

Reach reporter Colin Mixson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4505.
Big winner: Samantha, 6, managed to score a golden egg, winning herself a massive Easter basket.
Photo by Trey Pentecost