
Elderly man fends off gun-wielding carjackers during violent attack

The failed carjackers.
The failed carjackers.
Photo courtesy of the NYPD

Police are looking for the three would-be carjackers who attempted to hijack a 65-year-old’s vehicle at gunpoint in Crown Heights earlier this month. 

According to authorities, the victim was sitting in the stagnant car outside of 1370 Ralph Ave. at around 2:20 p.m., when a pair of wannabe bandits approached. 

The two brutes began punching the elder man in the face repeatedly through the driver’s side window, which later required medical attention for pain and swelling to his head, according to police.

A short while after the physical scuffle began, one of the suspects attempted to remove the victim’s chain from around his neck, while they began demanding that the man exit his car and turn over his keys, cops said. 

During the commotion, one of the miscreants brandished a firearm in an attempt to scare the 65-year-old into complying. 

Yet, the victim fought back — wrestling the gun away from the would-be pirates, and forcing them to flee. 

The two suspects ran off and into a nearby Jeep Cherokee, which was driven by a third accomplice in the attack. 

Their troubles in the botched heist continued, however, as the driver of the getaway car crashed just a short distance from the initial crime scene — causing the amateurish pilferers to hop out and flee on foot. 

The victim sustained a handful of injuries from the incident, but was treated in stable condition. 

No arrests have yet been made in the case, and the investigation remains ongoing.  

Anyone with information in regard to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish, 1-888-57-PISTA (74782). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto the Crime Stoppers website at https://crimestoppers.nypdonline.org/, or on Twitter @NYPDTips. 

All calls are strictly confidential.