
Family of comatose teen raises money at Bay Ridge Manor

Family of comatose teen raises money at Bay Ridge Manor
Photo by Arthur De Gaeta

The family of a comatose girl is getting glimmers of hope.

Natalie Ferber, 19, has been unresponsive since a man fleeing a traffic stop in Prospect Park South plowed into her car in Marine Park in November, but the family took a heap of donations at a fund-raiser in Bay Ridge last week. And the girl’s condition is slowly improving, her father said.

“Her eyes are open, body parts move, but she’s not alert or responsive,” said Dennis Ferber, a 25-year veteran of the police department. “Hopefully they can keep her progressing so she emerges from the coma.”

The family has raised more than $71,000 for medical bills — $21,000 through a fund-raising website, and the rest thanks to a party at Bay Ridge Manor on Feb. 12.

One party-goer who won $1,000 in a raffle decided to give the winnings back to Ferber’s family.

“I thought that it was the right do,” said police officer Robert Andersen.

The family is suing the city for $70 million on the grounds that a police chase led to the November crash, according to the Daily News.

Even as things start to look better, the family faces a long road. Medical costs are stacking up, and the family will need help taking care of the girl — who suffered profound brain trauma — even if she becomes responsive, her father said.

“We don’t know how long the insurance is going to hold up on her,” Ferber said.

Individuals can donate to Natalie’s family at www.gofundme.com/kkc098.

Reach reporter Max Jaeger at mjaeg‌er@cn‌gloca‌l.com or by calling (718) 260–8303. Follow him on Twitter @JustTheMax.
A real winner: Police officers Carmella Andersen, Robert Andersen, and Nick Peragine bought raffle tickets to support the fund-raiser. Robert Andersen won $1,000, but he gave it back to the Ferber family.
Photo by Arthur De Gaeta