
Field Day! School takes a break for outdoor fun

Field Day! School takes a break for outdoor fun
Photo by Alexa Telano

These kids had a field day — literally!

Students at PS 197 got to enjoy an afternoon of sun and fun at a school-wide field day on June 6. The Midwood pupils were understandably happy for the chance to get away from their desks, but teachers enjoyed it too.

“I just loved watching these kids smile,” said physical education teacher Lucille Mauro.

Third- through fifth-graders were split into two teams to compete for medals and glory in a bevy of events, she said. Athletes participated in run-of-the-mill events like a 70-meter dash, but they also got to try their hand at some team exercises.

In a game called “castle ball,” two sides built a castles by leaning hula hoops against one another and then tried to knock over the other team’s structure by hurling dodge balls.

Subway also treated the kids to a free lunch — something the sandwich slingers have been doing for the last three years.

“We’re so thankful for that,” said physical education instructor Marc Goldstone.

The school also raised money for sports equipment by selling tickets giving students a shot at dropping their teachers in a dunk tank.

At first, the kids were too far away to hit their mark, but teachers were good-enough sports to fix that.

“When we moved them up closer to reach, they were getting us soaked,” Goldstone said. “As soon as you climbed up, you’re back in the water.”

Teachers said they hadn’t tabulated the totals yet, but said they were able to cover the dunk-tank rental, and then some.

“We made a few bucks, but you know what? If the kids had fun, that’s the point,” Mauro said.

Reach reporter Max Jaeger at mjaeger@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-8303. Follow him on Twitter @MJaeger88.
The art of war: Students battle during a tug-of-war.
Photo by Alexa Telano