
Firefighters battle five-alarm fire at Marine Park sushi restaurant

Firefighters battle five-alarm fire at Marine Park sushi restaurant
Photo by Jon Farina

Firefighters responded to a massive five-alarm fire at a Marine Park sushi restaurant Wednesday morning.

The fire erupted in the ventilation area of E Sushi – located at 2118 Flatbush Ave. – shortly after 6 a.m., according to the FDNY.

“We were met with heavy fire on arrival,” said FDNY Assistant Chief Richard Howe. “After a period of time, the decision was made, for the safety of the members, to withdraw to an
exterior attack.”

Three injuries have been reported so far, according to the department.

Firefighters were able to contain the blaze to the restaurant and a
neighboring medical office, according to Howe.

“The units did a very good job containing the fire to two commercial occupancies,” he said. “It was a very challenging fire.”

The cause of the fire remains

Reach reporter Aidan Graham at agraham@schnepsmedia.com or by calling (718) 260–4577.
Extinguished: Firefighters were able to contain the blaze to the restaurant and a neighboring medical office.