
Five injured after minivan driver smashes into cop car in Borough Park

Five injured after minivan driver smashes into cop car in Borough Park
Photo by Paul Martinka

A minivan driver injured five people in Borough Park after T-boning a police SUV on Sept. 7.

The operator of a black Honda Odyssey smashed into the cop car on his way east along 52nd Street at 9:45 p.m., catching the police vehicle on the side as it headed south along 13th Avenue and causing it to jump the curb, where it smashed into two women outside a nearby health food store, according to a police spokesman.

Paramedics rushed two police officers — including one patrolman seen carted off in a stretcher — the pedestrians, and the driver of the minivan to Maimonides Hospital with injuries, according to the spokesman, who said all victims are expected to survive.

The spectacle of the collision attracted massive crowds, and police struggled to hold back the hundreds of local lookie-loos who surrounded the crime scene.

The police have not made any arrests and the investigation remains ongoing, according to the spokesman.

Reach reporter Kevin Duggan at (718) 260–2511 or by e-mail at kduggan@cnglocal.com. Follow him on Twitter @kduggan16.
Two police officers, two pedestrians, and the driver of the minivan sustained non-life-threatening injuries.
Photo by Paul Martinka