
Flatbush BID welcomes new executive director

Flatbush BID welcomes new executive director
Flatbush Avenue BID


BIG news at BID

Standing O congratulates Lauren Elvers Collins, the new executive director of the Flatbush Business Improvement District. Lauren currently helms the adjacent Church Avenue Business Improvement District, and her new post benefits both groups through overlapping programs and cost reductions, while keeping the two groups separate entities.

Small biz advocates are rooting for her.

“Lauren will help make the two organizations strong, bigger, and better, and I am convinced will have a greater impact on the neighborhood and the city at large,” said Rob Walsh, commissioner of the New York City Department of Small Business Services. “Lauren has a great track record and it makes perfect sense for the two groups to come together under her leadership.”

Our pal Lauren gets around town: She is the former executive director of Gowanus Canal Conservancy and the cofounder of the Windsor Terrace Alliance, as well as a member of Community Board 7. She also oversaw a $300,000 storefront restoration program that improved shopping and business along Church Avenue’s commercial corridor.

Soon-to-be-ex Borough President Markowitz added his two cents in favor of Lauren.

“Flatbush is primed for great growth in the years ahead, and I wish Lauren all the best,” said the beep.

Standing O says, “Welcome and good luck.”

Flatbush Avenue District Management Association [1616 Newkirk Ave. between E. 16th and E. 17th streets in Flatbush, (718) 859–2298].

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