
Force of 106 battles Crown Heights inferno

Force of 106 battles Crown Heights inferno
Photo by Paul Martinka

A small army of New York’s Bravest quenched a fire that raged inside a vacant four-story Crown Heights building on Wednesday.

Firefighters swarmed the Brooklyn Avenue building between Pacific and Dean streets to squash the conflagration smoldering within its top floor after being called to the scene at 12:58 pm.

A force of no less than 106 fire and medical personnel took on the blaze, which burned for more than an hour and a half as some responders climbed ladders and boarded a cherry-picker to drench it from above, while others tossed water on flames bursting from the building’s windows from the streets below.

The inferno dealt minor injuries to one civilian, according to a Fire Department spokesman, who said the blaze’s cause is under investigation.

Reach reporter Colin Mixson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4505.