
Found leg believed to be part of butchered body discovered last week in Red Hook

Lady’s decapitated, butchered body discovered floating near Red Hook harbor
Photo by Paul Martinka

A leg that washed up on Manhattan’s Upper West Side on Saturday is believed to belong to the headless, brutally dismembered woman whose torso surfaced in water near Red Hook last week, according to reports.

A jogger found part of the limb — which had pink toenails and was not decomposed — on a Manhattan riverbank, the New York Daily News reported.

The torso of the woman who the leg is thought to belong to was found near Pier 44 at the foot of Conover Street on Tuesday by a couple walking their dog.

The body was chopped at the knees, had no arms, and its intestines were spilling out, according to the man who discovered it.

Cops released an image of a tattoo written in Sanskrit on the victim’s left thigh hoping it would help uncover her identity, and later identified the remains as those of a missing New Jersey woman after her mother visited the 76th Precinct station house and told authorities her daughter had the same tattoo, which was a tribute to her aunt, according to reports.

Police have yet to release the woman’s name, and the investigation is ongoing, a spokesman said.

Reach reporter Lauren Gill at lgill@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–2511. Follow her on Twitter @laurenk_gill