
Furballs get festive: Boro beasts line up to meet Saint Nick at local shelter’s seasonal fund-raiser

Furballs get festive: Boro beasts line up to meet Saint Nick at local shelter’s seasonal fund-raiser
Photo by Erica Price

Santa brought these pups some howl-iday cheer!

Festive furballs and their owners bundled up and braved the snow on Dec. 9 for some face time with Saint Nick, who stopped by a Windsor Terrace shelter to lend his lap to creatures great and small begging for an audience and photos with the jolly old elf, according to an attendee.

“She loved it a lot,” said Michelle Addo, who brought her four-legged friend Ava, a Chihauhau–dachshund hybrid known as a chiweenie. “It was a bit cold, but she loved the pic.”

Around 70 people paid $20 to go to the fund-raiser hosted by Sean Casey Animal Rescue, according to a shelter volunteer, who said the price of admission included free treats for pups that waited patiently for their turn with Santa Claus, which were a hit among some of the spirited canines in attendance, according to Addo.

“Ava was a big fan of the treats,” she said.

And many mutts sported their finest holiday attire for the occasion, with some channeling Old Saint Nick himself in red-and-white suits, another attendee said.

“It was funny to see dogs dressed up in Santa costumes,” said Tim Baker, whose Chihuahua mix Benny — which Baker said he adopted from Casey’s rescue — wore seasonal garb to the bash.

Pet owners took home digital and physical copies of their furry kids’ photos with the North Pole resident after the event, according to the volunteer, who said organizers raised more than $2,600 to support the shelter’s critical care fund and other needs.

Reach reporter Adam Lucente at alucente@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–2511. Follow him on Twitter @Adam_Lucente.