
Fuzzy Brooklynites blessed across the borough at annual Blessing of the Animals

Bay Ridge Blessing of the Animals
Dozens of pets, like 14-year-old kitty Zoie, were blessed at St. Patrick’s Church in Bay Ridge and other parishes on Thursday.
Photo by Paul Frangipane

Who’s a blessed boy? You are! Yes, you are!

Animal-loving Brooklynites and their furry companions flocked to Catholic churches across the borough this week to partake in the “Blessing of the Animals,” the Brooklyn Diocese’s fuzziest annual tradition.

Father Michael Falce, left, and Father Brian Dowd pose with a blessed pooch outside the Roman Catholic Church of St. Patrick.Photo by Paul Frangipane
Father Michael Falce blesses Bay Ridge pets outside the Roman Catholic Church of St. Patrick on Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022.Photo by Paul Frangipane
Father Michael Falce blesses Bay Ridge pets outside the Roman Catholic Church of St. Patrick on Thursday.

Pious pets were determined not to miss their chance to be blessed by local clergy and doused with holy water, an activity normally reserved for humans. Blessings originally scheduled for Tuesday ultimately were delayed till Thursday, however, due to inclement weather.

Father Michael Falce blesses Bay Ridge pets outside the Roman Catholic Church of St. Patrick on Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022.Photo by Paul Frangipane

The tradition coincides with the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, who among other things was known for his love of animals and nature.