
G-saster! Train cut on weekends

The G gets a D+
The Brooklyn Paper / Mike McLaughlin

Greenpoint will remain cut off from the rest of the city for another two weekends, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority quietly revealed this week.

The agency, which curtailed weekend G-train service last month for trackwork, now says that the repairs will continue through the entire month of February.

There will be other shut-downs during the year, but not until “seven or eight weeks” from now, said a New York City Transit spokeswoman.

“And that work will not [require] a total suspension,” said the spokeswoman, Deirdre Parker.

The work is taking longer because one weekend’s repairs were cancelled for that early February snowstorm that never actually came.

The work — which knocks out the neighborhood’s only underground link to the rest of the borough between Friday at 10:30 pm until Monday at 5 am — was initially supposed to be completed by Feb. 8. It involves “switch replacement” at the Beford-Nostrand station.

Shuttle busses will replace the G train between Greenpoint Avenue and Jay Street-Borough Hall — where Church Avenue-bound riders will have to hop a different shuttle because (you guessed it) the F train is also out for trackwork for this weekend and next.