
Game of cones: Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory plots return to Dumbo

Game of cones: Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory plots return to Dumbo
Photo by Aidan Graham

It’s a dish best served cold.

A beloved Dumbo ice cream shop recently forced out of the neighborhood is making a sweet comeback. Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory — which operated out of the historic fireboat house at Fulton Ferry Landing for 17 years before closing last December — will open a new storefront just steps from its old shop, facing off against the rival that scooped it out, said the Factory’s co-founder.

“The Ice Cream Factory was a fixture in the neighborhood,” said Mark Thompson. “We were forced out of the space, and I left gracefully — but I couldn’t get ice cream out of my blood.”

Thompson hopes to open his new space, at 14A Old Fulton Street, in October. The location will be a walk-up window based in a hollowed-out cargo container, near the entrance to Brooklyn Bridge Park.

“We wanted to keep it simple, because it’s all about making great ice cream,” said Thomson. “And it’s perfect with the park right there. People can walk up, get their ice cream, and enjoy a day in the park.”

The new location sets up a showdown with fellow Brooklyn-based sweet treat chain Ample Hills Creamery, which took over the Ferry Landing space after outbidding the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory for a contract on the space, which is operated by Brooklyn Bridge Park Corporation.

We all scream: Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory passed out free scoops to visitors recently, in anticipation of its coming return to Dumbo.
Photo by Aidan Graham

“Now I’m forced to look at the building every day,” said Thompson. “It’s a hard pill to swallow.”

Thompson insists he harbors no ill will, but could not resist taking an ice-cold jab at his new next-door neighbors.

“Whether they want to admit it or not — their ice cream is mass produced,” he said. “We make our ice cream as fresh as possible. It’s a tale of two types of businesses.”

Thompson’s most pointed critique came for the management at Brooklyn Bridge Park — the landlords that forced him out after nearly two decades — saying they failed to respect the lasting character of the

“Brooklyn has always been built on long-term commitment — but that’s not there with them,” he said. “They’ll be out there next week painting the Brooklyn Bridge blue — without any care for the history there.”

Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory [14A Old Fulton St. between Furman and Everit streets in Dumbo, (718) 349–2506, www.brooklynicecreamfactory.com]. Opening in October.

Ice cream with a view: Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory plans to open a new location near its previous locale, the tower of which can be seen in this photo, above the truck.
Photo by Aidan Graham

Reach reporter Aidan Graham at agraham@schnepsmedia.com or by calling (718) 260–4577. Follow him at twitter.com/aidangraham95.