
Gun-toting duo robs man on S. Ninth St.

90th Precinct


Gotten by a gun

Two brutes with a handgun robbed a man as he walked home on S. Ninth Street on Nov. 25, cops said.

The 19-year-old man said he was near Second Avenue at 2:39 am when the two men approached him from behind. One displayed a black handgun and said, “Give me everything before I shoot you!”

He then hit the victim numerous times until he surrendered his Samsung cellphone, black bookbag, and wallet containing $300 to the second thug.


A fiend swiped $13,600 from an automated teller machine on Grand Street on Nov. 26 — then poured bleach into it, police said.

The quick-handed bandit used a crow bar to pry open the machine near Humboldt Street sometime between 3 and 4 am, then poured bleach into the machine after taking out the money, cops said. The machine had been filled with $14,000 the day before.

No gloves or bottles of bleach were found at the scene, though a nearby camera captured the entire incident.

Hooper havoc

A criminal jacked a car that was parked on Hooper Street sometime overnight on Nov. 24, according to police.

The 36-year-old man said he parked his dad’s Chevy between Marcy and Lee avenues at 9 pm on Nov. 24 with the doors unlocked and the keys in the vehicle.

He returned on Nov. 25 to find the car missing. There was no glass on the road, cops said.

Thief in the night

A thief drove off with a man’s car parked on S. 11th Street sometime overnight on Nov. 26, cops said.

The 43-year-old man said he parked his Ford between Berry Street and Wythe Avenue at 9 pm on Nov. 26 and when he returned on Nov. 27 at 11:30 am, the car was gone. The victim said he does not owe any tickets.


A half-witted criminal tried to break into an automated teller machine on S. First Street on Nov. 27, cops said.

The 33-year-old owner of the machine near Grand Street said the would-be thief tried opening the machine, which had $8,000 inside, between 12:01 and 7 am.

Boiler break-in

A sneaky perp stole a woman’s purse from inside a boiler room on Humboldt Street on Nov. 25, police said.

The 36-year-old woman said she put her purse in her locker inside the room near Flushing Avenue at 8:15 am, and upon he return at 2:30 pm, it was gone — along with her Android phone, debit card, and checkbook.

The woman said she left her locker closed when she left for the day, but it was not locked.

Construction criminal

A crafty thief stole saws and a jackhammer from a building on Broadway sometime between Nov. 26 and Nov. 29, cops said.

A 52-year-old man said someone got in through a rear door of the building near Cook Street between 3 pm on Nov. 26 and 9:30 am on Nov. 29. The criminal took three saws and jackhammer as well as a nail gun, battery charger, grinder, and drill.

The man said the door was secured by a sliding lock.

Eyeing an iPhone

A perp snatched a woman’s iPhone from her hand at the Flushing Avenue G train station on Nov. 30, cops said.

The 30-year-old woman said she had boarded the Queens-bound G train at the Clinton-Washington station and when the train pulled into Flushing Avenue at 8:40 pm, a man standing on the platform reached in and grabbed her phone from her left hand.

The perp fled the station and into the Marcy Houses on Park Avenue near Nostrand Avenue. Her iPhone tracker revealed no results.

Dash and drink

A robber grabbed a woman’s iPhone from her hand as she was walking on Leonard Street on Nov. 29, cops said.

The 23-year-old woman was near Devoe Street at 4:14 am when she was approached head-on by a man who grabbed her phone and fled down Leonard Street. She was unable to use her iPhone tracker because she was intoxicated, according to cops.

— Megan Riesz