
Gunmen attack Bay Ridge man

Two gun-wielding thugs ambushed and shot at a 35-year-old Bay Ridge man outside of his Ovington Avenue apartment on Feb. 25, taking $15,000.

The victim — carrying a backpack bulging with cash — was approaching his house between Fourth and Fifth avenues shortly after 1 am when the thieves emerged from hiding, put a gun to the back of his head, and demanded his property.

But the Bay Ridge resident refused, prompting the suspects to knock him off his feet and level the firearm at his head.

“Shoot him,” one of the thugs told the other.

The gunman pulled the trigger, but didn’t shoot the victim. Instead, he fired off a round that struck the pavement next to the victim’s ear, police said.

Dazed, the Bay Ridge resident relinquished the $15,000 and the criminals ran to an awaiting SUV driven by a third man. The suspects were last seen fleeing north on Fourth Avenue, said police, who were still hunting the suspects down on Tuesday.

“I’m very confident the squad is going to do a thorough investigation,” said Captain Richard DiBlasio, the commanding officer of the 68 precinct.

“We’re looking for surveillance footage [in the area] and searching for witnesses. Our goal is to take those criminals off the street.”

DiBlasio said it was unclear why the victim had so much cash on him when he was robbed.

“It’s part of the investigation,” said Captain DiBlasio. “All I can say is, it’s his money, he can do whatever he wants with it.”

As of Feb. 19, there have been 16 robberies reported in the 68th Precinct this year.

Anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to come forward. Calls can be made to the CrimeStoppers hotline at (800) 577-8477. All calls will be kept confidential.Calls can be made to the CrimeStoppers hotline at (800) 577-8477. All calls will be kept confidential.

Reach reporter Colin MIxson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4514.