
Halloween is night of terror for New York’s Finest

Bob Capano
Bob Capano
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

“Trick or treat motherf—–s,” is what a crowd shouted at New York’s Finest in Brownsville as they returned to their patrol car following a domestic violence case on Halloween night. They found cardboard, garbage, and cracked eggs on their vehicle. As the two officers cleared off their cruiser, they were mocked by local residents, and footage of the incident soon went viral, demonstrating to the country that the inmates now run the asylum here.

Not to be outdone, the very next night by the Barclay’s Center in Downtown Brooklyn over 1,000 anti-police protesters held up signs that read “Punch that Cop,” Don’t let these pigs touch us,” and “F–k the police.”

This is the new norm in our city. Whether it’s these two Halloween horror shows, more perps resisting arrest with deadly consequences for cops, dumping buckets of water or milk over the heads of officers, or throwing Chinese food at them, it is obvious that the criminal element feel that they have nothing to fear by taking on the police.

These are the people that our city and state elected officials are taking their marching orders from and emboldening with their actions. After all, how many Democrats have you heard condemning these events over Halloween? In fact, just the opposite occurred, progressive darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others expressed their solidarity with these anarchists. We know that if a cop put the cuffs on a gang banger a little too tight these same officials would be leading mass protests.

Indeed, our state Senate and Assembly Democrats are giving these Halloween cop haters even more cause to celebrate because of their new bail reform legislations that begins in the new year. This mandates that all judges release to the streets anyone arrested for most crimes, including manslaughter, assault, burglary, or possession of a gun to name just a few.

A long rap sheet or the likelihood that they will intimidate and threaten witnesses against them is irrelevant, as is the prospect that they may commit more crimes against innocent New Yorkers. In order to ensure that those arrested voluntarily return to face a judge our friends in Albany requires that they be sent a few text message reminders — this is literally in the reform law!

It is clear that Democrats in Albany sold us a bill of goods when they said that only those that commit “minor non-violent offenses” would be automatically released after arrest. Most would not consider manslaughter or assault “non-violent.”

If a child or relative of  any of the Democrats that support these bail reforms were assaulted or victimized I wonder if they would still feel the perpetrator should be out within a couple of hours of arrest.

I have been struggling to understand why local Democrats, through their legislation and words have supported and emboldened cop haters and criminals, whose goal seems to be to have no law enforcement so they can control the streets. Whatever their reasons, the message has gone out that our political leadership has the backs of criminals, not cops and law abiding citizens.

Even before the new bail legislations goes into effect, local district attorneys have already done their part to give the all clear sign for criminals to commit their bad deeds.  They ignore some crimes and refuse to seek jail time for most others.

Perhaps not coincidentally, these two recent events happened in Brooklyn, where our District Attorney, Eric Gonzalez, summarized the new pro-criminal reality when he said that his office “will seek non-jail resolutions at every juncture of a case” except “most often” in murder and rape ones. The DA’s latest way to fulfill this goal is by offering a two hour art class at the Brooklyn Museum to some arrested instead of sending them to court.

Unfortunately, most of our city DA’s now believe that their duty is to act as a second defense attorney rather than a prosecutor.

One is forced to ask a few tough questions. Why do our elected officials feel that they must fight more for criminals rather than those who follow laws? Are they that afraid of an AOC supported far-left challenger in a primary that they would sacrifice the safety of their innocent neighbors? 

Did a plurality of voters really expect that the Democrats they elected to pass legislation that so drastically swings the pendulum of justice in favor of criminals? Do we really have to wait for more and more New Yorkers to be directly victimized by crime before sanity is returned?

Also, perhaps Mayor de Blasio should honor the wishes of his brethren in communities that hate the police so much and shut down those local precincts? Perhaps the results would serve as a reality check for our city and state criminal justice reformers.

Finally, now that the flaws of the new bail reform laws have been exposed, will any Brooklyn Democrat in our state legislature have the courage to step up and lead the effort to amend it so that it really does only apply to minor non-violent offenses.