
Heads up! Red Hook kids score free bike helmets

Heads up! Red Hook kids score free bike helmets
Photo by Jason Speakman

This was a no brainer!

The city’s transportation department ensured that Red Hookers’ noggins will be safer than ever by handing out free helmets on March 11 — just in time for one resident, who was already looking to get some noodle protection for his kids.

“It was great because I was actually looking for helmets and I was going to purchase one online that day before I learned about the event,” said Marcus Bell, whose youngsters Maliyah and Marcus scored new red and blue helmets at the event, held at Hicks Street community hub the Red Hook Initiative.

After riders accepted their new armor, department reps fitted them to make sure the helmets were snug on their skulls, and taught them how to fasten the hard hats on tightly for optimal safety.

The city held the giveaway ostensibly to prepare the neighborhood for bike-rental program Citi Bike, which will install around a dozen stations in the neighborhood some time next year.

But Bell said his kiddos can’t wait until then — they plan to don their new cranium cases immediately for bike and scooter rides around the neighborhood.

“They love their helmets and they can’t wait to use them,” he said.

Reach reporter Lauren Gill at lgill@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–2511. Follow her on Twitter @laurenk_gill