
Heathens mug church-bound woman on Christmas Eve

90th Precinct


Mass attack

A trio of Grinchy goons mugged a lady who was walking to church on Montrose Avenue the night of Christmas Eve.

The victim was walking towards Avenue of Puerto Rico at 8:10 pm when the three brutes approached from behind and punched her in the face several times before snatching a wad of cash, some beauty products, and credit cards, according to a police report.

The brigands fled on foot down Montrose Avenue towards Humboldt Street, cops said. The victim had bruising and swelling on her right eye and cheek after the trouncing, police said.


A scheming Scrooge robbed a guy on Gerry Street on Christmas morning, but he only made off with a few bucks.

The victim was walking towards Harrison Avenue at 7:50 am when the pillager approached and said, “Now I have to rob you,” while pulling up his jacket to show he had a weapon, police said.

The victim took out his wallet and gave the robber $10 in cash, then the perp ran down Gerry Street towards Throop Avenue, cops said.

No joy

A dirtbag duo ruined an elderly man’s Christmas after beating and robbing him at the corner of Seigel Street and Graham Avenue on Dec. 25.

The 73-year-old victim was waiting for a bus at midnight when the two weasels approached and one put a gun to the guy’s head and demanded his wallet while the other put a knife to his side, cops said.

When the wizened victim refused to hand over his property, the low lifes threw him to the ground and grabbed the wallet, which contained $700 in cash, according to a police report.

The victim had bruises and swelling on his knee after the attack, police said.

Too much egg nog

Some scoundrel stole a bunch of electronics from a guy’s S. Second Street apartment the night of Christmas Eve, but the victim was so drunk he barely remembers the incident.

The victim told police he woke up in his apartment near Berry Street around 1 pm on Christmas day to discover his iPhone, iPad, Macbook, and television remotes missing.

He said he does not remember all of the details of the burglary because he had been drinking, but does vaguely recall a thin man with a bald head and short, curly hair being in his apartment around 7 pm the night before, according to a police report.

Out of key

A musically-inclined marauder snagged some instruments from a car parked at Thames Street and Porter Avenue on Dec. 23, but when he was spotted lugging a keyboard around that evening, he dropped it and ran.

The victim told cops he left his unlocked car parked on the corner early in the day, then returned to find his bass guitar and keyboard gone.

The victim’s cousin told him that at 11:30 pm that night, he saw a guy carrying around a similar-looking keyboard on Jefferson Street, and when he approached, the thief he ditched the electric piano and bolted in an unknown direction, police said.

The victim examined the found instrument and said he could tell it was his because of some markings on the equipment, according to a report. His bass remains missing.

Teeny boppers

A trio of teen delinquents robbed a couple at the corner of Moore Street and Broadway in the early morning hours of Dec. 26.

The man and woman were trying to hail a cab at 12:30 am when the guy noticed two sketchy boys walking past them. Suddenly, a girl with sparkly boots walked up and snatched a phone out of the lady’s hand, police said.

The boys assaulted the guy to keep him from stopping the glittering grifter, then the teens all fled on foot, according to a police report.

Grandma assailants

Cops cuffed two teenagers who they say mugged an elderly woman on Montrose Avenue the night of Dec. 26.

The 81-year-old victim was walking to the train at 6:35 pm when the pair allegedly snuck up from behind and threw her to the ground, breaking her nose and cutting her lip, police said.

The two teens then allegedly grabbed her pocketbook, which held her cell phone, cash, and identification, cops said. Authorities collared a 15-year-old boy and a 16-year-old boy for the crime the next day, according to a report.

— Allegra Hobbs