
Here’s why no one likes Mondays — because Prospect Park is a mess, that’s why

Here’s why no one likes Mondays — because Prospect Park is a mess, that’s why
The Brooklyn Paper / Gersh Kuntzman

Picnic and barbecue areas of Prospect Park were again filthy on Monday morning.

But unlike last Sunday, when an event-planning company held an illegal party that brought thousands of trash-creating people to the Long Meadow, it’s not as clear who was to blame.

The Parks Department did not deploy enough garbage cans so that there’s enough capacity for all the trash that park users create.

The Brooklyn Paper / Gersh Kuntzman

Then again, park workers didn’t dump mounds of garbage all over the place — including an eaten watermelon in a tree pit and barbecue refuse near the band shell and behind the Picnic House.

In one major development, however, the Parks Department did deploy a huge green shipping container along the Center Drive near the Nethermead, and some park users took advantage, partly filling it by Sunday.

Despite its unsightliness, the Dumpster was a welcome addition, said Bob Ipcar of the dog owners group, FIDO.

The Brooklyn Paper / Gersh Kuntzman

“If we had four more [of them] spread out over the park, we could call this the first baby step toward reforming how parties of picnickers treat Prospect Park,” he said.

“We need a Dumpster at the Peninsula meadow as well; one at the top of the Ninth Street path; one next to the barbeque area by the Picnic House and the last in the northern part of the Long Meadow.”

A big Dumpster showed up in the Nethermead in Prospect Park over the weekend, and park users started filling it.
The Brooklyn Paper / Gersh Kuntzman