
‘It’s no time to get cocky’: Cuomo says decrease in COVID-19 cases could be temporary

Gov. Andrew Cuomo says now is not the time to be “cocky.”
Reuters/Mike Segar

Though hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 have declined across the state, Gov. Andrew Cuomo warned during his Sunday coronavirus briefing that carelessness could easily reverse the progress that’s been made. 

“The recent news is good, we’re on the other side of the plateau and the numbers are coming down,” Cuomo said before reminding listeners that the number of hospitalizations remains high. “Remember, we still had 1,300 people walking into the hospitals yesterday testing positive. It’s no time to get cocky… It’s only halftime.”

Overnight, there were 507 deaths across the state, which may be considered a far cry from the fatalities which reached 806 in a 24-hour period just two weeks ago.

Cuomo was in agreement with President Donald Trump, who tweeted Sunday morning that governors need support if they plan to expand testing on a widespread basis. But, earlier in the press conference, Cuomo warned that the government needs to produce a consistent message to the public if it is to maintain confidence in the eyes of Americans.

“I agree. That’s called partnership,” Cuomo said in response to the tweet. “It’s important that government sends the right signal and one message, and there’s no confusion. Because if we don’t have confidence in government right now, if they think there’s chaos, confusion or politics that would be a terrible message to send… Now is not the time to send mixed messages.”

Trump and Cuomo have not had a steady relationship throughout the crisis. The federal government has been cautious to send supplies, funding, and most controversially, ventilators. Meanwhile, the president has been critical of Cuomo’s efforts to obtain up to 40,000 ventilators prior to the state’s apex, which projected a call to double the hospital capacity in New York.

The apex, however, has followed a different route than many catastrophic projections.

Mayor Bill de Blasio on Sunday said this was a result of New Yorkers following social distancing guidelines from the government.

Cuomo said New York is now offering to send 400 ventilators to Massachusetts at the request of Governor Charlie Baker, who is assessing the commonwealth’s personal need. According to the governor, these units are already set aside and ready to ship within 24 hours.

This story first appeared on amny.com.