
Jerk pushes woman and gives her a bloody nose

76th Precinct

Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill–Red Hook

Pushed too far

A jerk pushed a woman to the ground, injuring her, on Smith Street on April 7.

The victim said she was walking with earbuds in near Second Street at 8 pm when someone pushed her to the ground from behind. She hit her face on the pavement and bled from her nose, cops reported.

Police said the woman did not see the assailant, and thus could not provide a description.

Missing tools

A jerk stole tools from the city Housing Authority on Centre Mall on April 8.

The victim said he was working in an apartment and left a DeWalt drill and an Erickson hand snake unattended in the hallway of the building between Columbia and Hicks streets at 3 pm. But when he went back for them at 3:30 pm, they were gone, he told cops.

Short a few bucks

Someone took cash from a wallet found on Henry Street on March 30.

The victim said he lost his wallet near Sackett Street at 5 am.

Police said someone brought the wallet to the 76th Precinct sometime after that, but the victim’s $300 and ID were gone.

Shoplifter busted

Cops cuffed a man who they say tried to steal candy from a store on Smith Street on April 8.

Employees said the man entered the store between President and Union streets at 1:30 pm and tried to take a variety of candy and medicine before security stopped and held him until police arrived.

Police said the man, from Sunset Park, was charged with petty larceny and possession of stolen property.

Miscreant robs woman

A miscreant stole a computer off a woman on Degraw Street on April 3.

The victim said she was between Smith and Court streets at 8:45 am when the man went up to her from behind and demanded her backpack. He took her computer, three show tickets, a wallet, four credit cards, and $40.

Police said she was not injured and that the suspect is in his 40s.

— Adam Lucente