
K9 cops! Windsor Terrace gets watchdogs to escort women home

K9 cops! Windsor Terrace gets watchdogs to escort women home
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Windsor Terrace is calling in the watchdogs!

On Saturday, about 20 volunteers and their trusty companions launched K9Watch — the latest neighborhood group to provide women with safe walks home in response to this year’s spree of sex attacks.

Seven days a week, at least two canine cops will be on patrol near the Fort Hamilton Parkway and Church Avenue subway stops.

“This neighborhood has always felt very safe and we’re trying to get that back,” said Audacia Ray, a founding member of the pooch service. “Any and all dogs are welcome.”

K9Watch isn’t a dispatch service; volunteers simply walk their pets at night as they normally would and loop around area train stations. Women who wish to be escorted home, simply have to flag down a dog.

They’re easy to spot with their bright yellow bandanas.

Bridget Elder, of Kensington, will be on guard with her terrier, Teddy, a dog of a certain age.

“He’s old and not very aggressive, but if something’s not right, he’ll bark,” Elder said. “Our community is on the lookout, so these criminals will have to pick somewhere else to hang around.”

Since March, there have been at least 20 gropings and attempted rapes in a swath from Park Slope to Sunset Park. Last month, Kensington residents reported that a creep on a bike had groped two local women.

For info on K9Watch, visit www.k9watch.org or e-mail walk@k9watch.org.

Reach Kate Briquelet at kbriquelet@cnglocal.com or by calling her at (718) 260-2511.

Watch out for Wiggles! If you see this trusty guard dog in Windsor Terrace, hail him down for a safe walk home.
Photo by Stefano Giovannini