
Kids celebrate Earth Day in Heights

Kids celebrate Earth Day in  Heights
Photo by Caleb Caldwell

Call it a b-earth day party!

The city closed a Brooklyn Heights street to drivers on Saturday for an Earth Day celebration that gave attendees a chance to hang out with butterfly women, blow some bubbles, and chat about the importance of respecting Mother Earth, said one dad.

“I thought it was great fun,’ said Matthew McCabe, who brought his daughter Bryndis to the festivities on Montague Street. “It kind of instigated a conversation about Earth Day with my daughter.”

The party kicked off with a performance by the Brooklyn United Marching Band, which paraded down to the Promenade to announce the start of the celebration.

Kids had a blast hanging out on the car-free street, frolicking amongst the hundreds of bubbles from a machine — producing a result that one youngster likened to its own balloon-like metropolis.

“Because it was kind of a rainy day, the bubbles were sticking to the ground and she was calling it bubble city,” said McCabe.

And another squirt couldn’t get enough of two women dressed in butterfly costumes, striking her best pose with the colorful athropod, even if she didn’t have her own wings to flap.

“She liked posing with the butterflies,” said Andrew Swetonic, who stopped by with his three-year-old daughter Zoe. “She asked if she could wear her butterfly wings but it was rainy and we didn’t want them to get ruined.”

Reach reporter Lauren Gill at lgill@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–2511. Follow her on Twitter @laurenk_gill