
Kids design upcoming Canarsie playground

Kids design upcoming Canarsie playground

Canarsie’s latest playground was designed by Kings County’s leading experts in fun — kids!

City officials incorporated design tips from neighborhood whippersnappers in planning an upcoming play space at PS 115, which will feature a slew of features mandated by the park’s pint-sized patrons.

“That’s the great thing about this program,” said state Parks Commissioner Erik Kulleseid. “Not only do they benefit from it, they actually get to design it.”

The new fun zone at the Avenue M elementary school between E. 91st and E. 92nd streets — which kick off construction with a groundbreaking ceremony on Friday — will include an artificial turf field, running track, basketball hoops, play equipment, game tables and benches, trees, a stage, a gazebo with a living vegetation-adorned roof and an outdoor classroom.

Nine-year-old Carlton Benoit and his classmates insisted the playground include a half basketball court and the running track, and the youngster said officials were wise to heed their advice.

“Now, we get to go around a full track,” said Benoit. “A real track!”

Benoit got involved in planning the play space in the third grade, and he looks forward to finally getting a chance to show his friends before he graduates fourth grade in June.

“I am most excited to see every person in this school being happy about this new playground,” said Benoit, who’s a real sweetheart.

The $1.4 million playground is the sixth of eight that are being built through a $10.6 million state-funded initiative to construct new playgrounds in underserved Brooklyn neighborhoods.

Councilman Alan Maisel, who was unable to make the groundbreaking, snagged $250,000 in city funds for the Canarsie playground as well.

Reach reporter Jessica Parks at (718) 260–2523 or by e-mail at jparks@cnglocal.com. Follow her on Twitter @_JessicaParks.
State Senator Roxanne Persaud amd State Assemblywoman Jaime Williams were joined by P.S. 115 students to break ground at the school's new playground.