
Kids flock to spooky Marine Park Halloween festival

Kids flock to spooky Marine Park Halloween festival
Derrick Watterson

Thousands of pint-sized ghouls and goblins descended on Marine Park for the 34th annual Halloween Fall Festival on Saturday, where local chill-dren soaked up the spooky holiday season, said one even organizer.

“The highlight for me every year has to be making the kids smile — sometimes turning their fright into laughter,” said Lisa Cullity. “The kids were having a great time.”

This year’s festival — which took place at the park’s Carmine Carro Community — featured over 3,000 attendees decked out in extravagant Halloween costumes.

One youngster took home the gold at this year’s toddler costume contest for his chef costume, while another kid dressed as Nintendo’s iconic plumber — Super Mario — secured first place in the three-to-five year age group, according to a rep with the event.

The festival also housed a sprawling pumpkin patch, where children went to town decorating a small army of jack o’lanterns, said another event organizer.

“There were definitely more pumpkins than I ever recall seeing before,” said David Dougherty.

Throughout the hours-long holiday-fest, Brooklynites participated in a number of family-friendly activities — including puppet shows, rock climbing, temporary tattoos, balloon animals, and face painting.

Reach reporter Jessica Parks at (718) 260–2523 or by e-mail at jparks@cnglocal.com. Follow her on Twitter @_JessicaParks.
A witch (Lisa Cullity) and hairy zombie (David Dougherty) welcomed kids to the graveyard at the Marine Park 34th Halloween Fall Festival.
Photo by Derrick Watterson