
Kids show off scientific achievements at District 22 expo

Kids show off scientific achievements at District 22 expo
Photo by Steve Solomonson

These kids are scientifically gifted!

Kids showed off underwater robots, complex recycling devices, and home-grown scientific research at the Young Minds Science Expo in West Midwood on June 7. One teacher said the fair gave the kids validation for their hard work in science classes all year.

“It allowed them to show off their creativity,” said JHS 278 in Marine Park science teacher Bruce Gamsey. “I could see the pride in their eyes.”

The expo was for students across District 22, which includes elementary and middle schools in Marine Park, Sheepshead Bay, Madison and nearby areas. It took place at the Joan Snow Pre-K Center on Coney Island Avenue.

Some students displayed robots and small machines they made, while others presented information on soil erosion, the effects of video games on health, and a variety of subjects.

The mother of a science-loving PS 222 student who built a robot that grabs items said he was motivated by a desire to help the disabled.

“He wanted to help people who maybe can’t pick up things,” said Brenda Heart of her son Elijah Terell. “He had a great time.”

Scientific achievement is not new to some of the participating schools. Gamsey’s middle schoolers have won competitions for their work on how trout can be used to monitor drinking water, and have participated in a United States Navy underwater robotics program called SeaPerch.

Gamsey said the students were proud to bring their trout research and aquatic robots to the expo because they charted the course of the projects themselves, building their own robots, for example.

“It lets them take ownership,” said Gamsey. “That’s the most beneficial thing

Reach reporter Adam Lucente at alucente@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260–2511. Follow him on Twitter @Adam_Lucente.