
King Con is living up to its name

King Con is living up to its name

For one weekend in November, Brooklyn will become the center of the comic universe.

At KingCon — Nov. 7 and 8 at the Brooklyn Lyceum — legends like “American Splendor” author Harvey Pekar, “Mad” magazine’s Al Jaffee, and ubiquitous creators Mort Todd and Cliff Chiang will appear before hoards of fanboys and girls.

Local talent, like Brian Wood and Tim Hamilton (whose comic version of “Fahrenheit 451” is pictured), will also have its moment at the folding tables. So will animator Peter Levin and renowned writer and graphic novelist, Jonathan “Bored to Death” Ames.

All-told the massive event will include 60 or more artists participating in panels and autograph sessions.

“We’re expecting 6,000 attendees, though there could be as many as 10,000,” said Regan Jaye Fishman, who is organizing the two-day free-for-all.

KingCon at the Brooklyn Lyceum [227 Fourth Ave. at Union Street in Park Slope, (718) 857-4816] Nov. 7-8. Tickets are $7 for one day or $10 for the weekend. For info, visit www.kingconbrooklyn.com.