
Knife-wielding mugger attacks man in apartment building

76th Precinct

Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill–Red Hook

Red Hook mugging

A knife-wielding thug robbed a 61-year-old man in an apartment building on Center Mall on Feb. 13.

The victim said he was entering an elevator in the complex near Henry Street at around 7 pm, when a man wearing a black hooded-sweatshirt entered and pressed a knife to the older man’s face. The goon grabbed $5 and a $130 cellphone from the man’s pockets.

Hungry robber

A crook stole cash from a restaurant on Court Street on Feb. 15.

Employees at the eatery near Butler Street told cops that the thief entered through a window sometime after midnight and snagged $235 out of the register.

Teenage terror

Two gun-wielding teenage thugs robbed a woman on Clinton Street on Feb. 19.

The victim told cops that she was near Fourth Place at 7:30 pm when the two thugs, who she said were between the ages of 12 and 14, grabbed her shoulder and shoved a black firearm into her ribs.

“Give me your bag,” one of the goons croacked, before taking the woman’s purse and fleeing.

Bike burglar

A crook nabbed a man’s bike from his Court Street apartment building on Feb. 10.

The victim, who is the building’s only tenent, said he left his bike in the hallway outside of his apartment near Douglas Street at 7:30 pm, and awoke the next morning to find that his $1,000 Cannondale had vanished.

— Colin Mixson

Reach reporter Thomas Tracy at ttracy@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-2525.