
Lighting the way!

Lighting the way!

Brooklyn Heights

Lighting the way

A big welcome to the newest honor society chapter on the St. Francis College campus.

Alpha Lambda Delta was inducted on Nov. 11, with more than 100 students who achieved academic excellence in their freshman year.

The ceremony was led by Eileen Merberg, executive director of Alpha Lambda Delta.

Co-advisors for the chapter are Steven Boyarsky, the college’s Student Success Coordinator, and Chad Lectura, Assistant Director of Admissions.

“Recognizing students for their hard work as freshmen and inducting them into Alpha Lambda Delta is a crucial piece of the college puzzle,” said alumn Lectura, ’07.

“These students have set a high standard for themselves,” said Boyarsky. “Now it’s our job at the Center for Student Success to make sure they have the tools and support they need to maintain that high academic level.”

The first board members were also installed, including Amanda Innamorato ’17 (President), Cristina Perez ’17 (Vice President), Courtney Eng ’17 (Secretary), Gabriella Licata ’17 (Treasurer), Meaghan Vaughan ’18 (Historian), and Abanobe Barsoum ’18 (Editor).

“Being the first president of the local chapter of the Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society at Saint Francis College is an honor, and having such a great team beside me is the key to our success of our newly inducted chapter,” said Innamorato.

Alpha Lambda Delta also inducted five honorary members, co-advisors Boyarsky and Lectura, as well as St. Francis College President Brendan J. Dugan ’68, St. Francis College Provost Timothy Houlihan, and student Hannah Seymour ’18.

St. Francis College (180 Remsen St. at Court Street in Brooklyn Heights).

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