
Local-motion! Marine Parkers come out for model train show

Local-motion! Marine Parkers come out for model train show
Photo by Jordan Rathkopf

All aboard!

A boxcar-load of families came out watch miniature locomotives make their rounds during the Parks Department-hosted Model Train and Art Show at the Carmine Carro Center on Sept. 18. One youngster was in such awe that her eyes were glued to the tracks, a local mom said.

“It was exciting for her. She was mesmerized by the trains moving and kept wanting to touch it but wasn’t allowed,” Ditmas Parker Bella Griffiths said of her 5-year-old Eva. “She didn’t move for like 45 minutes, just kept watching.”

Members of the N-Trak Train Club’s Brooklyn chapter — a group of model-train enthusiasts around the world — designed the display specifically for the show and were on hand to answer all the children’s questions about choo choos, said president Chris Oliva.

One 11-year-old who was amazed by the smaller-than-life trains and the super-realistic hills, dales, and villages that they navigated even learned a thing or two about conducting, she said.

“The guy working there was showing us how he puts the train cars next to the train and let the train go on the tracks,” said Cristina Ilie of Marine Park.

Reach reporter Julianne Cuba at (718) 260–4577 or by e-mail at jcuba@cnglocal.com. Follow her on Twitter @julcuba.