
Locals mark one-year anniversary of goosicide

Locals mark one-year anniversary of goosicide
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Never forget!

Wildlife advocates gathered last Friday to mark the one-year anniversary of Prospect Park’s massive goose slaughter — and pressure the mayor to drop the city’s goose killing contract.

Dozens of park-goers and animal rights advocates held a somber “eulogy” — using heartfelt words and even guitar ballads — by the Picnic House to mourn the hundreds of geese that the feds executed in Brooklyn’s back yard last July 8 in the name of aviation safety.

“It’s about looking back — but it’s also about looking forward,” said organizer Johanna Clearfield, one of scores of advocates seeking the end of federally-overseen waterfowl extermination.

The city announced two weeks ago it would not return to Prospect Park for a culling this year, explaining that — thanks in part to efforts by Prospect Park Alliance — the population was not high enough.

But the killing continues in other parts of the city.