
Looter steals eyeglasses out of car

76th Precinct

Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill–Red Hook

Blind bandit

A thief plundered a man’s car that was parked along Warren Street on May 19 — taking prescription sunglasses and eyeglasses.

The victim told police that he parked his car between Henry and Clinton streets at around 3 pm, and returned a few hours later to find his driver-side door ajar and his glasses missing.

Good Samaritan

A 47-year-old man was arrested for robbing a man on Smith Street on May 18.

The victim told police that he was between Baltic and Warren streets at around 4 am when the suspect asked him to spare a dollar. But when the victim pulled out his wallet, the suspect snagged it from his hands and fled on foot, cops said.

A suspect was arrested about a half-hour later, when the victim, riding along in a police squad car, picked out the man on Hoyt Street.

Underage attack

Cops arrested a 17 year old for robbing a 13-year-old boy at gunpoint inside the elevator of a Hoyt Street apartment building on May 16.

The pint-sized victim told police that he entered the elevator of the building between Atlantic Avenue and Pacific Street at around 3:40 pm, when the suspect and an accomplice followed him in.

“What’s in your pocket?” the suspect asked, before pulling out a gun and taking the boy’s $195 Beat headphones and $200 Nook electronic reading device, cops said.

Rude robber

An 18-year-old man was arrested for robbing a woman on Conover Street on May 8 — taking her cellphone.

The victim told police that she was near Pioneer Street at around 3 pm when the suspect grabbed her clothes and reached in to her pocket to remove her cellphone.

When the victim went to reclaim her property from the suspect, he slapped her hand, saying, “I’ll beat the s— out of you b—-, I’m going to f— you up,” she told police.

— Colin Mixson

Reach reporter Thomas Tracy at ttracy@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-2525.