
Lowlife strikes man in the face with wooden stick

62nd Precinct

Bensonhurst—Bath Beach

Baddie’s broomstick

A lout struck a man in the face with a wooden stick on 62nd Street on May 27.

The assault occurred at 15th Avenue just before 6 pm, when the baddie came at the man out of nowhere, addressing him by saying “hey you” and then striking him, according to the report. The crook then fled in a car on 62nd Street towards 16th Avenue, and emergency medical personnel transported the man to Maimonides Medical Center to be treated for his bruises sustained in the attack, cops said.

Quick on their feet

A pair of marauders stole a man’s Air Jordan sneakers from his hands while he was holding them in a Kings Highway store on May 21.

The thieves grabbed the shoes from the store between Lake Street and McDonald Avenue just before 6 pm before fleeing on foot on McDonald Avenue in different directions, police reported.

Phoned it in

A law-averting deliveryman stole a man’s iPhone X from the counter of a 65th Street business where he was making a delivery on May 23.

The lout stole the phone from the store between 18th and 19th avenues at around 1:10 pm, according to the report.

Broke, entered, and failed

A nogoodik entered a 79th Street home on May 23, but left empty-handed.

The aspiring burglar — who didn’t even take anything — entered the home between 19th and 20th avenues just before 3:15 pm, according to the report.

Easy steal

A thief stole credit and debit cards and a cellphone from an unlocked car parked on Bay 11th Street sometime between May 23 and 24.

The owner — who told police he forgot to lock the car doors — parked the vehicle between Benson and Bath avenues at around 8 pm, and found that the lout had broken into it and stolen the goods when he returned to it the next morning, according to authorities.

Woke up too late

A pilferer stole a wallet from a sleepy straphanger who fell asleep on the D train on May 24.

The man awoke at the 25th Avenue stop near 86th Street in Bath Beach at around 4:30 am, only to find out his billfold — containing $20 and a credit card — was gone, police said.

Checked out, then robbed

A sneak stole a woman’s wallet — with $150 and credit cards inside — from the counter of a Bay Parkway store on May 25, after she accidentally left it there.

When the woman realized she had forgotten the wallet at the store between 68th Street and Bay Ridge Avenue at around 11 am, she returned, but found that a lout had already grabbed it, cops said.

Petty theft

A lowlife broke into a W. Sixth Street store and stole $70 on May 25.

The pilferer entered the store at Kings Highway just before 10:15 pm — ostensibly by pushing in a window air conditioning unit — and stole the cash from a drawer, according to the report.

Didn’t make it far

Police arrested a man who they say tried to steal electronics from a Bay Parkway store on May 27.

The man tried to leave the store at Shore Parkway with the goods at around 7:30 pm, but a loss prevention officer saw the attempted steal and reported it to police, according to the report.

— Julianne McShane