
Lowlife takes cash out of coffee shop tip jar

78th Precinct

Park Slope

Bad tip

Some lowlife ripped off servers at a Bergen Street coffee shop on May 15, taking $20 out of the tip jar.

The owner told police the reprobate stuffed his greasy palms into her employees’ tip jar at the store between Fifth and Flatbush avenues at 2:45 p.m., before fleeing with his ill-gotten cash on foot.

Licensed to steal

A thief nabbed both license plates off a man’s 2000 Lexus LX470 he parked on Sixth Avenue on May 15.

The victim told police he parked his 19-year-old four-door near Park Place at 10:30 a.m., returning shortly to find both plates stolen.

Blending in

Police cuffed a 48-year-old man accused of looting merchandise at a Flatbush Avenue department store on May 10, taking luggage and a Ninja blender.

An employee told police he spotted the suspect attempting to flee past the register at the store near Atlantic Avenue with the stolen goods at 4:02 p.m., and New York’s Finest were called in to arrest the man on a misdemeanor larceny charge.

Final destination

Two louts sucker-punched a man on Sixth Avenue on May 4.

The victim told police he was exiting a cab near Union Street at 12:30 a.m. when the goons waltzed up and socked him in the face.

Bike bandit

A thief stole two pricey bikes that were locked up on Ninth Street on May 11.

The victim told police he chained his two Trek bikes up between Fifth and Sixth avenues at 1 p.m., and returned about an hour later to find his rides stolen.

— Colin Mixson