
Man arrested for openly carrying assault rifle on Bed-Stuy street

Man arrested for openly carrying assault rifle on Bed-Stuy street

Cops cuffed a Bedford-Stuyvesant man after police allegedly spotted him carrying luggage with an assault rifle sticking out of it on Halsey Street.

A plainclothes officer spotted the suspect running with the bag, which had a semi-automatic AR-15 assault rifle protruding from it, between Marcy and Nostrand avenues on March 1 at 10:55 pm, according to court documents.

And when the officer announced himself as a cop, the suspect allegedly whipped out his rifle, ditched his luggage, and fled, but police gave chase and subsequently apprehended him, according to a law-enforcement source.

Officers also discovered several magazines loaded with 19 rounds of .556-caliber ammunition, along with more than 70 spare rounds of various calibers, on the suspect after they caught up with him, court documents show.

The man told police that he grabbed the assault rifle and ammunition from a friend’s house after some guys jumped him while bringing weed to his girlfriend, and that he intended to track down and shoot the men who attacked him, according to a law-enforcement source.

Prosecutors slapped the suspect with a top charge of criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree at his March 2 arraignment, which could land him in prison for up to 15 years if convicted, according to a spokesman for District Attorney Eric Gonzalez, who would not comment regarding any potential attempted-murder charges the man may face.

Reach reporter Colin Mixson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4505.