
Marauders mug woman inside W. 23rd Street apartment

60th precinct
Photo by Jessica Parks


Coney Island—Brighton Beach—Seagate

Great escape

A gunman allegedly shot at a driver parked on W. 13th Street on Oct. 31. 

The victim told police he was sitting in his vehicle parked between Avenue U and Avenue V when a crook attempted to rob him at gunpoint around 6 am leading the driver to speed off.  

Rock bottom

A bandit snagged a $20 bill from a woman on Neptune Avenue on Oct. 26, according to cops.

The victim told police the brigand stopped her at the intersection of W. 5th Street around 7 am and said “give me your money, I’ve got nothing to lose.”

Stair scare

Marauders mugged a woman inside a W. 23rd Street apartment building on Oct. 27, according to authorities.

The victim told police the thieves stopped her inside the stairway of the building between Neptune and Mermaid avenues around 3 am and said “shut the f*** up, you already know what this is.”