
Massive fire devastates Park Slope brownstone

Massive fire devastates Park Slope brownstone
Photo by Todd Maisel

Over 100 firefighters rushed to the scene of a massive inferno that devastated a stately Park Slope brownstone on Thursday afternoon.

The blaze erupted on the ground floor of the rowhouse near Eighth Street and Seventh Avenue shortly after 4 pm, before spreading through a dumbwaiter to the upper floors, officials said.

Hordes of Slopers gathered as the fire sent plumes of black smoke into the sky, including one neighbor who witnessed the flames overtake the brownstone and blow out the back windows.

“I came out my back door and saw heavy fire,” said Joyce Rooney.

Firefighters comfort a resident of the Eighth Street house.
Photo by Todd Maisel

No one was reported injured, and the family was not home when the fire erupted, according to authorities.

New York’s Bravest battled the blaze and had the flames under control within an hour, officials said.

The cause is under investigation by fire marshals.

The fire started on the ground floor and spread upwards through a dumbwaiter.
Photo by Todd Maisel

Reach reporter Ben Verde at (718) 260–2525 or by e-mail at bverde@schnepsmedia.com. Follow him on Twitter @verde_nyc.