
Massive fire ravages Marine Park home

Firefighters battle a house fire in Marine Park on Wednesday.
Photo by Todd Maisel

Firefighters battled a massive blaze in Marine Park on Wednesday as the home’s elderly owner was out for the afternoon.

At around 12 pm on July 29, firefighters responded to a call at 1958 Coleman St., where they found the residence engulfed in flames and heavy smoke. More than 60 firefighters and Emergency Medical Service members responded to the all-hands blaze, which officials believe broke out in the kitchen as temperatures outside soared past 90 degrees.

The fire was brought under control within 45 minutes, but by then, the house was nearly destroyed.

The Coleman Street home was ravaged by the fire.Photo by Todd Maisel

“We called the fire department when we saw all the smoke,” said one concerned neighbor. “I can’t believe it happened like that. It was very scary.”

Fire officials said the incident is not being considered suspicious, but the exact cause remains under investigation by fire marshals.

No injuries were reported.

Firefighters battled the blaze as temperatures outside soared past 90 degrees.Photo by Todd Maisel

This story first appeared on AMNY.com.