
Mean and green: Locals celebrate Memorial Day weekend with Marine Corps in Prospect Park

Mean and green: Locals celebrate Memorial Day weekend with Marine Corps in Prospect Park
Photo by Paul Martinka

It was another beautiful day in the Marine Corps!

Kings County jar heads flocked to Prospect Park on May 25 to celebrate Memorial Day with the U.S. Marine Corps, which flew into Brooklyn’s Backyard in the berths of a few battle-ready aircraft to the delight of local kids.

Rotary club: A US Marine Corps attack helicopter over Prospect Park.
Photo by Paul Martinka

The event featured two armed-to-the-gills attack helicopters, along with a massive V-22 Osprey, an impressive tiltrotor troop transport capable of rapid vertical liftoff like a helicopter, with but the same high-speed cruising capabilities as a turboprop plane.

Marine Corps pilots showed off their skills in the air, before setting down not far from the Long Meadow Ball Fields, where New York plane enthusiasts pilots lined up to peek their heads inside and take a gander at the aircrafts’ sophisticated instruments and onboard equipment.

Up close: Brooklyn residents lined up to poke their heads in a US Marine helicopter at Prospect Park on Saturday.
Photo by Paul Martinka

Also in attendance were the US Marine Corps’ Battle Color Detachment, which treated the crowd to some rousing military ditties.

Prospect Park’s Marine Day event was part of Fleet Week, a celebration of the US Armed Forces that featured dozens of military-themed events across the city.

Tootin’ good time: A Kings County kid inspects one marine’s trumpet at Prospect Park Saturday.
Photo by Paul Martinka

Reach reporter Colin Mixson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4505.