
‘Midwood Mouth’ no more! Weiner mellow as House passes 9-11 bill

‘Midwood Mouth’ no more! Weiner mellow as House passes 9-11 bill

The people have spoken: We want the “Midwood mouth” not “Anodyne Anthony”!

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D–Midwood) was hardly recognizable on Wednesday as the House passed a $7.4-billion bill to provide health care aid to first responders at the World Trade Center.

Just before the vote, Weiner made a calm defense of it — quite the contrast to his internationally renowned tirade two months ago when an earlier version of the bill stalled amid partisan bickering.

The now-legendary assault on decorum and his GOP colleagues — webcast around the globe on YouTube — garnered 881,804 viewings (which is a lot for a politician, though fairly routine numbers for Internet porn).

This week’s “mellow Weiner”? Just 422 views. He didn’t look like the “gentleman from New York,” but from Prozac Nation.

Likely, he was just pleased that the bill passed, which it did with a lopsided 268-160 vote.

“This is the day we repay our debts to the 9-11 heroes,” mellow Weiner said. “This is truly a gratifying moment.”

The legislation next moves to the Senate, where its fate is uncertain. If it dies there, perhaps Weiner will get to reprise his madman act.