
Miscreants try to take off with man’s motorcycle

62nd Precinct

Bensonhurst—Bath Beach

Engine failure

A trio of miscreants broke the ignition of a man’s orange 2013 Honda motorcycle on 78th Street on June 28 and tried to flee with it before the owner caught them in the act.

The incident occurred between 14th and 15th avenues around 2:30 am, and the perps and fled towards 15th Avenue in a car when the bike owner caught them, according to the report.

Creep in the night

A lout tried to break into a woman’s bedroom window by climbing up the fire escape to her 70th Street apartment on June 25.

The attempted break-in occurred around 2:30 am at the home between 20th and 21st avenues, cops said.

Slap in the face

Police arrested a man who they say struck a man on his face and stole $100, the man’s bookbag, and his passport, on Avenue O on June 25.

The alleged assault and theft occurred at W. Fifth Street just before 11:30 pm.

What a tool

A pilferer stole construction tools from a commercial truck parked on Stillwell Avenue on June 23, the driver reported to police on June 26.

The theft occurred between 84th and 85th streets around 1 am, and there were no signs of forced entry, according to the report.

Missing wheels

Thieves took off with several vehicles from around the precinct this week. Here’s the rundown:

• A villain stole a man’s 2008 white Ford from its parking spot on New Utrecht Avenue on June 26.

The man told police he parked the car between 66th and 67th streets at 2:30 am, and returned to an empty spot at 8 am.

• A sneak stole a man’s red 2007 Yamaha motorcycle from its spot on W. Fifth Street between Quentin Road and Kings Highway around 3 am on June 26, cops said.

• A thief stole a man’s black 2014 Chevrolet from its W. Second Street spot on June 26.

The man parked the car between Quentin Road and Kings Highway at 2:30 am, and returned at 8 am to find it gone, police reported.

• A crook stole a gray 2007 Toyota Camry from its spot on 16th Avenue near 78th Street sometime before 7 am on June 28, officals said.

Gadget girl

Police arrested a woman who allegedly tried to steal $1,500 worth of electronics from a Bay Parkway store on June 27.

Cops say she attempted to leave the store near Shore Parkway without paying for the items occurred just before 3 pm.

Strolled away from the stroller

A pilferer stole $1,500 and a woman’s credit and debit cards from inside her purse that she left in a baby stroller while shopping in an 86th Street store on June 27.

The theft occurred just before 5 pm at the store between 24th Avenue and Bay 37th Street while the woman was briefly checking on her children, according to the report.

An eye for a phone

A pair of punks approached a man from behind, pushed him to the ground, punched him on his right eye, and stole his cellphone on 79th Street on June 28.

The assault and theft occurred between 15th and 16th avenues at around 1 pm, police said. Emergency medical personnel transported the man to Lutheran Medical Center, according to the report.

Got him from behind

A trio of perps approached a man from behind and scratched him with an unknown object on Avenue O on June 28, causing him to suffer lacerations and bleeding.

The assault occurred at W. Sixth Street around 9 pm, cops said.

Three muskateers

A trio of baddies wearing all-black clothing approached a man on a Coney Island-bound N train and demanded he hand over all of his possessions — with one even flashing a knife — near the Bay Parkway station on June 29.

The man handed over $60, electronics, and his cellphone to the crooks around 1 am, then fled the train at the station near W. Seventh Street, while the nogoodniks kept riding, according to the report.

Gym rats

Baddies swiped items from two people while they were working out at an 86th Street gym in two separate incidents.

• Someone stole $22 and a credit and debit cards from an unlocked locker at the fitness center near 20th Avenue on June 29 around 10 pm, police reported.

• A nogoodnik stole a man’s sneakers and credit and debit cards from his locker around 5 pm June 30, cops said.

Trucking it

A crook broke into a man’s truck parked on W. Second Street and stole about jewelry, a drill, and a gun at some point between June 29 and 30.

The man told police he parked his truck near Avenue P at 8 pm on June 29, and when he returned around 4:15 pm the following day, his items were missing. Police said the perp may have used a large rock to open the passenger door and break in to the car.

— Julianne McShane