
MT-spray! Gross water is flowing out of 7th Ave. station walls

MT-spray! Gross water is flowing out of 7th Ave. station walls
Community News Group / Colin Mixson

It is gush hour at the Seventh Avenue subway stop!

Foul water has been cascading down the walls of the Prospect Heights station for weeks, and straphangers say they’re fed up waiting for someone to plug up the problem.

“For this to be happening for a couple of weeks seems extreme,” said Crown Heights resident Michele Tepper. “This should have been fixed already.”

Anecdotal reports put the numerous leaks on the Manhattan-bound Q platform as about three weeks old — one commuter said it started flowing after the Jan. 7 snowstorm.

She also says there is an offensive odor emanating from the stagnant pools collecting on the platform, and worries the stench indicates a busted sewage line and that the liquid may be a health risk.

“I don’t know if it’s coming from a sewer pipe, but it stinks!” said straphanger Jenny Ramos, who works on nearby Flatbush Avenue.

Other commuters are afraid the constant flow of H2O is a sign that the 96-year-old station is structurally unsound.

“It’s scary,” said Park Sloper Leidy Leonardo, who works at Union Market a few blocks from the station. “I’m like, ‘is this place going to fall apart?’”

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority did not return requests for comment, but has placed orange traffic cones on the puddles, indicating it is aware of the problem.

Reach reporter Colin Mixson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4505.