
Multigenerational dance party shakes Midwood Senior Center

Multigenerational dance party shakes Midwood Senior Center
Photo by Steve Solomonson

A group of do-gooding elementary school students took their talents to a Midwood senior center, bringing the residents gifts, teaching them some dance moves, and learning a few things in the process.

About 60 students from PS 203’s Student Government and Ambassadors Club programs stopped by the Midwood Senior Center on Avenue I on Jan. 4, bringing small gifts and dancing to pop music — songs by artists including Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, and Rihanna — that even had the seniors in the house shaking their behinds.

“It was really a great event,” said Barbara Stein, the teacher who leads the programs at the school. “The kids got as much out of it as the seniors, no question. There were times some of the older men are playing cards and they started teaching the kids to play cards; the kids also like the attention.”

Stein’s programs are made up of leadership-inclined kids from the Flatbush school — which dubs itself “the school for future leaders” — and their past events have included fund-raising for victims of Hurricane Sandy and writing thank you letters to first responders.

Reach reporter Eli Rosenberg at erosenberg@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-2531. Follow him at twitter.com/emrosenberg.