
Nicole Malliotakis votes to strip Marjorie Taylor Greene of committee assignments

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis was one of 11 Republicans to vote to strip Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of her House committee assignments on Feb. 4.
File photo by Tom Callan / REUTERS/Sarah Silbiger

Southern Brooklyn Rep. Nicole Malliotakis joined with House Democrats on Feb. 4 to strip Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of her congressional committee assignments, citing “deeply disturbing” comments made by her fellow freshman Republican lawmaker. 

Malliotakis was one of 11 Republicans who signed onto the effort to boot Greene from her committees — which are specialized panels where bills typically begin the legislative process — after new reports unearthed her support for 9/11 conspiracy theories and other hateful beliefs.

“Past comments made and endorsed by Congresswoman Greene are deeply disturbing and extraordinarily offensive and hurtful to thousands of 9/11 families and first responders, our Jewish community, and many others in our district,” said Malliotakis, who also represents Staten Island, in a statement.    

In one 2018 video, the Georgia representative expressed support for “9/11 truther” theories, saying, “It’s odd, there’s never any evidence shown for a plane in the Pentagon,” and later liking a comment that said that the attacks were “done by our own Gov.” 

She has also claimed that the Parkland and Las Vegas mass shootings were staged in an effort to take away gun rights — posting a video explaining the theory, and harassing survivors of the Parkland shooting in DC.

Some of Greene’s beliefs have veered into anti-Semitic territory, with Greene speculating that the California wildfires were sparked by space lasers controlled by the Jewish Rothschild family. She has also repeatedly voiced support for the QAnon conspiracy theory, which holds that Democratic leaders and prominent Jews run a global child-trafficking sex ring.

During an eight-minute speech on the House floor on Feb. 4, during the debate over whether to take away her spot on the Education and Labor committee and the Budget committee, Greene expressed regret for the past remarks, but did not apologize.

“I was allowed to believe things that weren’t true, and I would ask questions about them and talk about them, and that is absolutely what I regret,” she said.

Greene isn’t the first congressmember to be stripped of their committee assignments. Republicans removed Iowa Rep. Steven King from his committees in 2019 after he questioned why the term “white supremacists” was offensive, and other legislatures accused of crimes or under investigation have faced a similar fate. 

But Greene’s punishment does break with tradition in the legislative chamber, where members are typically removed only by a vote of their own party — rather than in Greene’s case, where 219 Democrats and less than a dozen Republicans voted in favor of the parliamentary maneuver.

Malliotakis, however, added that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should dole out similar punishments for two Democratic congressmembers, reps. Eric Swalwell and Ihlan Omar, because of their past controversies. 

“I’m patiently awaking Speaker Pelosi’s resolution to remove Congressman Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee over his ties to a suspected Chinese Spy and Congresswoman Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee for her shameful anti-Semitic remarks,” Malliotakis said.

California Rep. Eric Swalwell had ties to a Chinese spy who fundraised for his campaigns for years, and even influenced his office to hire at least one intern, according to an Axios investigation. After US intelligence briefed Swalwell in 2015 that the woman was a spy, he cut off all contact with her, officials said. 

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar has come under fire for allegedly playing into anti-Semitic stereotypes by saying that a pro-Israel lobbying group was “all about the Benjamins,” and claiming that Muslim-Americans have experienced Islamophobia because “some people did something,” referring to 9/11.

And while some Republicans said they believe the vote to strip Greene of her committee assignments sets a dangerous precedent, Malliotakis said she supports the punishment when applicable.

The move was likely made easier for Malliotakis than other national Republican pols, as her district encompasses by far the highest concentration of NYPD officers of any in New York City, as well as a large number of FDNY personnel — most of whom would likely join her condemnation of 9/11 conspiracy theories. 

“As Americans, we must hold ourselves to a higher standard and fully condemn such comments regardless of which side of the aisle they come from,” she said.

Malliotakis’ vote represented a break from the hardline Donal Trump-supporting faction of the Republican Party.

On Jan. 6, in the wake of the Capitol attack by an angry mob of the former president’s supporters, Malliotakis voted to object to the electoral votes of Arizona and Pennsylvania due to alleged voting irregularities that Trump had wanted investigated. 

A week later, when 10 House Republicans joined all House Democrats in approving an article of impeachment against then-outgoing President Trump for the charge of “incitement of insurrection,” Malliotakis opposed the effort.

Additional reporting by Robert Pozarycki