
No love for Midwood’s ‘lovers lane’

No love for Midwood’s ‘lovers lane’
Photo by Derrick Lytle

Sex-crazed teens are turning a tranquil Midwood street into their private love shack, charge residents who are fuming over the open displays of affection — and are even planting bushes to block the steamy scenes.

Neighbors say youths pick Olean Street for their trysts because few houses on the block face the street — meaning the two-block-long stretch between E. 22nd and E. 24th streets is about as private as a public street can get.

“Nobody sees them, so it’s a good place to hide,” said Olean Street resident Leah Freidman. “It’s very disrupting.”

A recent visit by this newspaper found used condoms discarded alongside a row of backyards — proof that the rendezvous have surpassed the level of innocent teenage hookups.

But residents are noticing what’s going on — and don’t like what they see.

One Olean Street resident said he planted bushes in his yard as a barricade to the shenanigans, which he claims have increased over the years.

Freidman said she was furious by the sexcapades.

“You’re working people, you’re off on the weekend, and they make so much noise you can’t relax,” said the woman, who believes that the teens hail from Midwood’s Orthodox Jewish community. The teens are even doing drugs on the block, she said.

But more broad-minded dwellers said these quickie dates were an indication that Cupid is working overtime.

“That’s how I know people are getting engaged, when I see young couples in the cars,” said one neighbor, who didn’t want to be identified. “This is where weddings start!”

Helen Rosen of the Nottingham Association, which patrols the area, said the rows of residential garages that line Olean Street make it easier for the libidinous teens to hide their amorous antics.

“If I had my druthers, I’d tear down the garages and make gardens that would look very pretty, creating a little country lane,” she said.

The police department did not return calls for comment.

— with Derrick Lytle
and Ben Lockhart

Reach reporter Eli Rosenberg at erosenberg@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-2531. And follow him at twitter.com/emrosenberg.