
Now Perfetto starts to raise money

Incumbent District Leader Ralph Perfetto must be a bit scared about insurgent Kevin Peter Carroll — the 18-year veteran has finally started to fundraise.

Perfetto had said that he would self-finance his campaign, but on May 27, he held a $100-a-plate dinner that raised $13,635 — about as much as Carroll has raised so far for his candidacy.

Carroll has a barbecue fundraiser — with a suggested contribution of $25 per person — scheduled for June 5.

Perfetto could have raised more at his bash at La Sorrentina, on 11th Avenue in Dyker Heights, but he’s too generous a guy, he said.

“I don’t like asking people for money,” he said, “so I sent them home with doggy bags.”

Perfetto said he spent about $2,600 on the food for the event, including bringing in kosher victuals from Boro Park so that all attendees would be able to feast as they partied.

“I self-funded the food,” Perfetto stressed.