
Nowhere to go! Coney bathrooms won’t be ready for Memorial Day

Nowhere to go! Coney bathrooms won’t be ready for Memorial Day

The beach will be ready — but the bathrooms won’t!

The city said its new modular Boardwalk comfort stations won’t be ready in time for the Coney shore’s official opening on Memorial Day.

The promenade privies — put on 13-foot-high pedestals to keep them safe from a hurricane storm surge like the one that wrecked the old toilets last fall — will still be under construction when Brooklynites hit the beach on the holiday weekend. However, the Parks Department promised to provide temporary commodes to relieve those uncomfortable with just going in the ocean.

“Although some work will continue past Memorial Day, full accommodations will be made to open up the beaches this weekend,” said city spokeswoman Meghan Lalor.

Lalor did not say when the sleek high-rise outhouses would open for business.

The waterline water closets have caused controversy in Brighton Beach, where residents of the Oceana Condominiums have raised a stink about the elevated latrines blocking their expensive views of the sea.

The city is also installing the futuristic loos on the Boardwalk at W. Eighth Street in Coney Island.

Reach reporter Will Bredderman at wbredderman@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4507. Follow him at twitter.com/WillBredderman.