
O’ yeah! Barack enjoys big Brooklyn win

O’ yeah! Barack enjoys big Brooklyn win
Photo by Stefano Giovannini

Brooklyn is still Barack-lyn.

President Obama won his second term in the White House with 81 percent of the borough’s vote, once again making Brooklyn the biggest Barack-backing county in the state.

The incumbent and one-time Park Slope resident has racked up 503,291 Brooklyn votes compared to Mitt Romney’s 108,630, with 98 percent of polling places reporting.

Obama earned about 42,000 more Brooklyn votes during his 2008 victory, but his margin of victory in the borough appears to be slightly greater this year.

Brooklynites braved lengthy lines yesterday to vote in a borough still reeling from the after-effects of Hurricane Sandy — and many said long waits wouldn’t deter them from exercising the most fundamental expression of democracy.

“I’m going to be late to work — but it’s worth it,” said Peggy Jordan, who works for Citibank in Manhattan and spent 90 minutes on line at PS 22 on the border of Prospect Heights and Crown Heights.