
Offering insight: Brooklyn Women’s Bar Association invites finance gurus to address fiscal concerns unique to females

Offering insight: Brooklyn Women’s Bar Association invites finance gurus to address fiscal concerns unique to females
Photo by Caroline Ourso

Brooklyn Heights

Offering insight

Finance gurus hosted a special seminar for female legal eagles at the request of Brooklyn Women’s Bar Association President Carrie Anne Cavallo on Jan. 29, where they addressed fiscal concerns specific to women.

“The bar association asked if we could do a presentation specifically geared to financial planning for women and things that really affect them specifically,” said financial adviser Jacquelyn Calandriello.

Certain challenges in planning for retirement unique to women — including their roll as caregivers, longer lifespans, and reduced pay in comparison to men — led many females within the bar to seek financial advice from Cavallo, who in response requested the lecture from Calandriello and fellow finance expert Danielle Guarino.

“She wanted to do it for the Brooklyn women’s bar,” said Calandriello. “They never really had someone in to talk overall about the different ways to look at their own retirement plans.”

— Colin Mixson

Reach reporter Colin Mixson at cmixson@cnglocal.com or by calling (718) 260-4505.