
Officer of the flies!

Officer of the flies

A group of nearly a dozen kids assaulted an off-duty cop on the corner of Seventh Avenue and 15th Street on Nov. 12, said police, who collared two of the alleged hooligans.

The female officer was walking down the street with her family at 3:20 pm when the group began to curse and taunt her. The youths then started to throw fists and glass bottles at the officer and her family. It is unclear if the punks knew that the woman was 5‑0.

After about seven minutes, backup officers arrived and chased the kids away. Two kids were caught, including one 14-year-old boy.


Two knife-wielding teenagers roughed up a lady and took her purse on Fifth Avenue on Nov. 13 — but they didn’t get far before cops punctured their robbery attempt.

The victim was walking between Prospect Avenue and 16th Street at around 11:30 pm when she noticed two perps following her. One of the thugs approached and asked her a question, but before she responded, he pulled at her purse, slashing the strap with a knife. Both men fled, but witnesses later identified both men in a lineup and they were quickly collared.

Fruitless break-in

Someone shattered the window of a car on Greenwood Avenue sometime between Nov. 9 and Nov. 12.

The owner returned to the parking spot, between Prospect Avenue and East Seventh Street, at 9:30 am on Nov. 12, to find her rear window smashed. Nothing was taken from the car.

— Evan Gardner